Crusader Kings II Sunset Invasion Steam Global

Crusader Kings II Sunset Invasion Steam Global
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Наши гарантии:
- 20 лет на рынке игр! Качество проверенное временем!
- Более 220 тысяч продаж!
- Свыше 25 тысяч положительных отзывов!
- Бизнес-уровень Webmoney - 550!
- На весь товар пожизненная гарантия!

Игра не имеет территориальных ограничений - REGION FREE и подходит для активации в любой стране.

The game has no territorial restrictions - REGION FREE and is suitable for activation in any country.

АКЦИЯ БОНУС-ШАНС – при покупке игры, у вас есть шанс получить бесплатно ключ от случайной игры. Случайный рандом-ключ будет отправляться с каждым пятым проданным товаром, получившим положительный отзыв. Оставьте положительный отзыв о товаре, в нем укажите «хочу подарок» и возможно повезет именно вам! Всем желаем удачи!
Язык игры: English, French, Italian, German

It is the late 13th century and Europe is still reeling from the all-conquering Mongol Hordes. Just as the Lords of the West breathe a sigh of relief, another threat looms on the horizon. Strange ships bearing winged serpents and grinning skulls, symbols never before seen in the known world, have been sighted all along the Atlantic coast. As the sun sets on the shores of Morocco, Portugal and Ireland, the largest fleet that has ever set sail approaches land, ready to invade in the name of blood thirsty gods...

Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion is the third DLC expansion for the critically praised strategy/RPG Crusader Kings II. This fantasy scenario marks Paradox Development Studios first departure from history. Hearing of Europe from travelling Northmen, the blood drenched Aztec Civilization has risen early and now spread like a virulent plague. Prepare to defend all you hold dear against the Sunset Invasion!

Crusader Kings II explores one of the defining periods in world history in an experience crafted by Paradox Development Studio, masters of Grand Strategy. Medieval Europe is brought to life in this epic game of knights, schemes, and thrones.
Main Features
A new invading threat arrives at a random point in the mid to late game
Unique new portraits, on-map shields and units for the great Mesoamerican Menace
Cower in fear of the Aztec gods: New Aztec culture and religion
Human Sacrifice! When a province is lost, no one is safe from the threat of losing their hearts on the obsidian altars
Survive the terrible disease brought by the pagan oppressors with a new plague from across the Ocean

@MediaSoft - 20 лет на рынке игр! Качество проверенное временем!
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